St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Catholic Church
Dearborn County, Indiana

A novena book has been created and printed In recognition of Saint Teresa Parish's 25th anniversary year. Many of the novenas in the book center around the great Carmelite saints of the Church along with others who have a connection to her, including our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph. Novenas that mark holy days of obligation or feasts of the Church year, along with a few additional saints, are also included. There is also journaling space to write your personal prayer intentions through the year.
Trusting in the power of prayer and the intercession of the saints in heaven, let us embrace this year of celebration with intentional prayer and thanksgiving for God’s blessing upon all who gather at any of parishes in Dearborn County and beyond. Copies of the novena book are available at St. Lawrence, St. Mary’s and St. Teresa parishes and the Lourdes Chapel.
You can access the booklet, a list of celebration dates for the year, and the Litany of Carmelite Saints by clicking on the buttons above (St. Teresa was a Carmelite Sister).
What is Carmelite Spirituality? After receiving your St. Teresa’s Novena Prayer Book which contains novenas for the intercession of numerous Carmelite Saints, including our own St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, learn in this short clip from "Pints with Aquinas with Matt Fradd" what makes it special, unique, and embraced by so many saints!
​Please pray - Our Lady of Lourdes Novena ~ February 2 – 11
O, Immaculate Mother of God,
from heaven itself you came and appeared to Saint Bernadette in the rough Grotto of Lourdes! As she knelt at your feet, the miraculous, healing spring burst forth. Since then, multitudes have knelt before your shrine asking for your prayers.
O, glorious Mother of God,
to you we raise our hearts and hands to implore your powerful intercession in obtaining from the loving Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for our spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly for the grace of healing and comfort to those who are sick and suffering (mention your own loved ones here).
We pray to you with childlike trust. We have faith that you will look with mercy on our present petitions and win for us the grace we need and request for in this novena.
We ask all this through your maternal intercession and in the powerful name of your Son Jesus. Amen.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. St. Bernadette, pray for us.
Confraternity of St. Maximilian Kolbe Men's Ministry
Men! Join the Confraternity of St. Maximilian Kolbe Saturday, February 1st at St. Teresa PCC 7:00 PM for Rosary and Fraternity. Hope to see you there! Confraternity of St. Maximilian Kolbe

Magnify 90 is “Exodus 90” for women. Visit or contact Kathy Strasser at for more info. Magnify 90 was put together by Kaylene Brown, who spoke at the All Saints “Mary’s Way” dinner in 2023.
St. Lawrence Undercroft